Sunday, 21 April 2013

Fortune Summoners Grinding

I've mentioned before how I dislike grinding at Fortune Summoners.

To tell the truth, I don't dislike it. I love it. However, the constant need to time my taps correctly, aka do it slowly and in time and not in quick successive moves, makes it extremely tiring. This means that if I get slightly impatient and try to speed up the process, bye-bye it is.

Here's an example. I want to slash in front, thrust, uppercut (of sorts..forgot the name of the move) and then do a backwards thrust.

I would press 'z', wait a second while the animation finishes, 'z' + '->' to thrust, wait for animation to finish, 'z'+ '^' , animation waiting, and 'z' + '<-'.

Let's say I get bored or excited in the process and try to input the next move halfway through the animation. The character will only do the default 'z' move. This means I miss the enemy and potentially will cause a chain of attacks to be unleashed onto my character. This makes the battle extremely tiring and frustrating after a while. Thus, I only play the game in short bursts or ignore the enemies completely, aka decreasing the amount of exp gained as compared to a simple game like Fable in the same amount of time. Do you know how frustrating it is? Especially since I can play FS for a day and only gain 2 levels while I can grind more in other games.

Therefore, the battle mechanics of FS is too precise and tiring to make me enjoy it as much as I should.

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