Thursday, 10 July 2014

Glass, grateful, betray

Once upon a time, there lived a fairy. Now, your first thought would probably be "Oh god, it's a fairy tale. Ugh, I'm too grown up for this." Well, you're partially right. But you've clicked your way here so sit down and read the next five sentences.

Once upon a time, there lived a flower fairy.
The fairy loved flowers when no one else did.
The flowers were grateful but they were also afraid of the other fairies.
The other fairies hated the flower fairy and plot to kill the flower fairy.
The flowers betrayed the flower fairy and the fairy died.

Now shoo!

Idea Generator :

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Call me Mother and let me tell you my story. This is how I avoided being whacked by the mob.

Call me Mother and let me tell you my story. This is how I avoided being whacked by the mob.

I was young when it happened. Young, naive and overeager to make the world my perfect oyster. I went to protest rallies for feminism, racial equality, LGBT rights, the ones against incompetency, corruption, war! You name it, I was there.

One fine day, I realised, in the middle of a protest, that I need to be a leader to make the world perfect. So, I did what young and stupid people do. I stood taller and shouted even louder to make my voice heard.

Now, there is one thing you must know about a mob. There is no head, only a body. The head is useless in the famous moments of protesting. If anyone tries to be the head before the mob is ready for one, the mob will merely drag the head down and consume the head. And so, the fool that I was pushed myself along the path to getting whacked by the mob. I also pushed myself to trip over air and gained a concussion.

That is how I avoided being whacked by the mob.

I just love pulling your leg.
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